Inman's Past Master Degree Team

Front Row (L-R):  Bruce Chennery, PDDGM, Grady Rhinehart, PM, Lynn Lowe, PM, Terry Mabry, PM, Ken Kuszmaul, WM, Keith Dellinger, PM, Jerry Kimmons, PDDGM, Paul McWilliams, DDGM, Stephen Pinker, PMBack Row (L-R):  Jay Adam Pearson, PGM, Edd…

Front Row (L-R):  Bruce Chennery, PDDGM, Grady Rhinehart, PM, Lynn Lowe, PM, Terry Mabry, PM, Ken Kuszmaul, WM, Keith Dellinger, PM, Jerry Kimmons, PDDGM, Paul McWilliams, DDGM, Stephen Pinker, PM

Back Row (L-R):  Jay Adam Pearson, PGM, Eddy Mitchell, PDDGM, Doug O'Shields, PDDGM, Jeff Honeycutt, SGD, Steve Pinker, PM, RJ Plumley, PM

A Master Mason Degree was conferred at Inman Masonic Lodge on June 12, 2018 by Inman’s Past Master Degree Team.  Members of Grand Lodge, including RWB Walter C. “Cal” Disher, Deputy Grand Master of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, were in attendance.   Fifteen of Inman’s Past Masters, including MWB Jay Adam Pearson, Past Grand Master, were in attendance as well, and were presented with SC AFM Past Master lapel pins by RWB Paul McWilliams, District Deputy Grand Master of the 20th Masonic District.  Brother Hunter Webb, son of Brother Carl Webb, was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason as over forty Masons looked on during this night of fellowship. 

Congratulations to the Brothers Webb, and to Inman’s Degree Team for a job well done.

WB Jeff Honeycutt Receives the Dalcho Certificate of Merit

WB Jeff Honeycutt was awarded the Frederick Dalcho Certificate of Merit at the South Carolina Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons Banquet on April 26th 2018.  WB Jeff was Past Master of Inman Masonic Lodge in 2005, Past Grand Steward in 2014, and was appointed Senior Grand Deacon for the Grand Lodge for 2018.  He, along with RWB Tommy Watson, Past Master of Irving Southworth Masonic Lodge and PDDGM of the 21st District were the two recipients from Spartanburg County for this prestigious award. 

The SC AFM Grand Lodge website offers the following description:  “The award is named for Rev. Frederick Dalcho, MD, who was the dominant figure in Freemasonry in South Carolina in the early 1800s.  In the year 1807, Dr. Dalcho published, under the sanction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient York Masons of South Carolina, The Ahiman Rezon. Since that time, the book has been revised and augmented, and continues today as the Book of Constitutions in South Carolina.  Rev Dr. Dalcho served as Grand Chaplain, and was one of the founders of the Supreme Council 33rd Degree, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the Southern Jurisdiction of the USA.”

This Certificate of Merit is given to a small number of SC Masons each year in recognition for their exemplary service to the Craft.  Congratulations, WB Jeff, on this honor!


Brother Joseph McMillin

Brother Joseph McMillin, a sixty year member of Inman Masonic Lodge, has laid down his working tools on April 27th, 2018.  Brother McMillin received his Entered Apprentice Degree on November 15th, 1957, his Fellow Craft Degree on December 19th, 1957, and his Master Mason Degree on January 25th, 1958.  Please keep the family of Brother McMillin in your daily devotions.

Brother McMillin's obituary can be viewed here.

Brother Marvin White

On March 26th, 2018, Brother Marvin White laid down his working tools.  He was a member of Inman Masonic Lodge for forty-seven years.  He received his Entered Apprentice Degree on October 16, 1970, his Fellow Craft Degree on November 24th, 1970, and his Master Mason Degree on December 22, 1970.  Brother White's obituary can be viewed here.

Please keep the family of Brother White in your daily devotions.

Inman's Degree Work

Hunter Webb received his Entered Apprentice Degree on January 16th, and his Fellow Craft Degree on March 22nd.  Charles Keller and Harry "Butch" Johnson received their Fellow Craft Degree on January 23rd, and their Master Mason Degree on March 10th.  Bryan Murphy and Brian Barajas received their Entered Apprentice Degree on March 8th.

Inman Lodge would like to congratulate the following Brethren for taking their respective steps in Masonry!

Brother Cletus Champion

On March 18, 2018, Brother Cletus Champion laid down his working tools.  He was a forty year member of Inman Masonic Lodge, receiving his Entered Apprentice Degree on June 7th, 1977, his Fellow Craft Degree on August 9th, 1977, and his Master Mason Degree on September 10th, 1977.  Masonic Rites for Brother Champion will be held at Seawright Funeral Home in Inman on March 20th at 5:30 pm, with the Lodge opening at 4:30 pm.

Please keep the Champion family in your daily devotions.  Brother Champion’s obituary can be viewed here.

Worshipful Brother Cecil Ballew

Worshipful Brother Cecil Edwin Ballew laid down his working tools on March 14th.  WB Cecil was a member of Inman Masonic Lodge for 46 years, receiving his Entered Apprentice Degree on April 6th, his Fellow Craft on May 17th, and his Master Mason on June 15th, 1971.  He served Inman Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1975.  WB Cecil was a stalwart of Inman Lodge, receiving countless Entered Apprentice Masons during their First Degree and teaching them their first important lesson in Masonry.  

WB Cecil's Masonic Rites will be held on March 17th at 5:30 pm at Seawright's Funeral Home in Inman, SC, followed by a receiving of friends from 6 to 8 pm.  WB Ken Kuszmaul will open the Lodge at Inman at 4:45 pm.  The Funeral Service will be held Sunday, March 18th at 3 pm at Holston Creek Baptist Church in Inman, SC.  WB Cecil's obituary can be viewed here.

Please keep WB Cecil's wife, Vonda, his son, WB Chris Ballew, and the rest of the family in your daily devotions.    

Brother Charles Dewell Gwinn

On February 16th, Brother Charles Dewell Gwinn laid down his working tools.  He was a sixty-year member of Inman Lodge, receiving his Entered Apprentice Degree on October 7, 1957, his Fellow Craft Degree on November 15, 1957, and his Master Mason Degree on December 20, 1957.  Please keep the Gwinn Family in your daily devotions.  

Brother Gwinn's obituary can be read here.

Inman Christmas Parade


This year, Inman Masonic Lodge participated in the Inman Christmas Parade, an effort spearheaded by Worshipful Master-Elect Bro. Ken Kuszmaul.  The banner for the float was provided by RWB James E. Hayes, III, DDGM of the 21st Masonic District.  Members of the Lodge boarded a float and toured the parade route, waving to the crowd, while RWB Hayes, RWB Paul McWilliams, DDGM of the 20th District, and WB Stephen Pinker, Master of the Lodge for 2017, walked the route and handed out candy.  Kuszmaul’s hope is that the Lodge, through its continued participation, can increase its visibility within the community.